PRIME Soccer Club focuses on quality and excellence in training and coaching. Our club offers its members the best and most complete soccer club experience available in Southern Nevada. No other program compares in terms of player development.
Outstanding professional coaching and training - highly experienced US Soccer Federation (USSF) or Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) licensed coaches
Strong and responsible club leadership and structure
Competitively priced - affordable club dues, team fees and uniforms
Established coaching curriculum and philosophy based on best practices for player development
Focus on long term player development with emphasis on technical skills - process over results during the "golden years" of soccer development
Training based program with appropriate training to competition ratios
Convenient, spacious and top quality lighted fields at centrally located City of Henderson and City of Las Vegas parks
At home individual training curriculum and player motivation program
Dedicated goalkeeper coach and goalkeeper clinics
Supplemental training available (technical, speed, agility, strength, conditioning) for individuals, groups, and teams
Player, parent and coaching education
A club culture of community - with active and committed club members. Our members feel part of something bigger than just their team, their game, and their results.
We are PRIME Soccer Club, and we are changing the game one player at a time.